Project Overview
We are looking for skilled, experienced writers who can help write weekly blogs on topics related to pediatric cancer and the treatment journey. Our Taproot volunteer will suggest blog ideas and do the research to produce well-written blogs that have substance and would appeal to those going through cancer treatment. Bloggers who understand SEO to improve readership are a big plus. Blog topics should focus on all aspects of pediatric cancer, issues throughout the treatment journey, ways to improve emotional wellness, and more. They must be willing to do the research to develop blogs with substance that appeal to people journeying through cancer. They must be helpful!
Taproot volunteer needs to reside in the U.S. and be fluent in English.
As an organization, we have three tangible goals we need to accomplish in 2022: 1) Bring in more cancer patient families to serve; 2) Improve online funding; 3) Increase both our professional volunteers and care community members. Our blogs help us spread awareness about our services. We also need to increase awareness about cancer being a three-legged stool: Research, Treatment, and JOURNEY.
Currently, the public conversation around cancer is almost entirely about cancer research and hospitals that treat it. They leverage a patient and family's cancer journey to bring in funding but leave those on that journey to their own devices to get through. We understand the importance of research and treatment and support their efforts and fundraising. However, equally important is getting families through the journey and supporting them physically, financially, and emotionally. The JOURNEY matters!
We would like to lift the conversation to include funding our organization. Here to Serve focuses on the journey with wrap-around services, including supporting the family with meals, housekeeping, finances/fundraising, laundry, child care, nonprofits available to help, and much more. Our blogs are meant to educate and include the importance of the cancer journey.
We currently have a blog and social media team that meets weekly to schedule blogs, go over new ideas, and discuss ways to leverage our blogs on social media to improve visibility. We use Yoast on our website to improve readership by setting up SEO titles, Meta descriptions, and Keyphrase on all our blogs. What we are missing is more writers so that team members are not writing more than one blog a month.
Nonprofit Overview
We believe a child or young parent’s cancer diagnosis is a life-altering journey. For that reason, the care and support of the family are required to avoid parent(s) from losing their physical and mental health, home, job, and/or entering into bankruptcy. Therefore, we provide wraparound services to meet the daily living needs of young families navigating cancer.