Mastery of Possibilities
1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
Los Angeles, California
Website development

Posted August 31
Member since 2022-08-01

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

We have our website up we need help with adding a corporate donation page.
Here is our website
And if you have any suggestions on what you have seen on other sites that we are missing, we would love some feedback. We are a new nonprofit.

This project is important as we have had companies ask us about our corporation donation page. When I say we don't have that tab yet, I feel it turns them off from our mission.

We have the document of what it is we would like to see on the tab.


Nonprofit Overview

Mastery of Possibilities is a program that prepares the youth in grades 6th-12th to help them achieve social, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being as they gain the ability to lead themselves and others through a course of action. Through their strengths and weaknesses, they set personal and vocational goals and have the self-confidence and self-esteem to pursue and achieve their goals. Teens need a healthy start in life as they begin their adolescent journey; Mastery of Possibilities teaches them how to build a strong foundation, understanding that everything is possible as they enter adolescence with a healthy self-image and self-confidence. We understand that Middle school is a transition from teen adolescence to young adulthood. It is a time of growth and rapid physical development that leaves many teens with bruised emotions and diminished esteem as their bodies, feelings, and relationships begin to change. - Young teens in high school are searching for independence and identity. Their personal needs and priorities are the basis for goals set for their lives. They are ready to explore and prepare for future careers and roles. Mastery of Possibilities helps teens discover their potential.


Web development
Web front end (js/html/css)