Developing Radio Partners Inc.
1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
Washington, D.C.
Business Planning
1 project

Posted March 29
Member since 2024-01-30

This project is currently inactive, and cannot accept applications at this time.


Project Overview

Developing Radio Partners is undertaking a strategic review and strategic planning exercise, and as part of that we would like an independent assessment of our development strategy. We would like someone with diverse experience in fundraising to assess what we have done over the past several years and the funds we have raised and recommend strategies that would give us the best chance for a good return on the investment of our time and resources.

Our revenue currently comes from individuals, major donors, private foundations, US government agencies, sub-grants to USAID implementing partners, and international donors (such as World Bank and UN). So, experience in a number of those areas is a plus.

The staff and board are laser-focused on reviewing the organization as we rebrand and prepare for a board and staff strategic planning exercise. This assessment would give the organization an independent review to help our small organization decide where it is best to focus its attention. Fundraising and New Business Development are critical to the organization and its growth. We have incrementally increased our revenue over the past several years, and we are also pitching proposals for transformative gifts that would help us increase our impact with millions of people in multiple countries. Developing Radio Partners amplifies the voices of people in remote areas of sub-Saharan Africa (and worldwide) so that they can have more agency in their lives. Our expertise is in helping community media and local reporters improve their reporting, coverage, and story follow-up so that they can hold authorities accountable, inspire the public, and prompt real change in their communities. We work on issues that are priorities to communities, including disease prevention, child marriage, teen pregnancy, maternal health, climate change, and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (or other local priority issues). We are seeking to grow the organization to become more sustainable so that we can make a lasting impacts in the lives our programs touch. We'd be thrilled for an independent development professional to be part of that change.

We are primed to follow through on recommendations of this development/fundraising assessment. This request comes as we prepare for an organization-wide strategic planning. The results of this assessment will be shared with the whole board and staff as we review our development strategy and set priorities for the year and years ahead. This is not an exercise that will gather dust on the bookshelf. We've been working hard at fundraising, but we'd like to have a fresh set of eyes look at what we are doing and help us determine where our time might be better spent and what types of opportunities or sources of revenue we may be missing.


Nonprofit Overview

Developing Radio Partners works to improve lives by empowering community-based broadcast and social media worldwide. Programming supports local efforts to raise awareness about critical issues, share information, and support changes in behavior. DRP engagements help reduce health risks, curb environmental degradation, empower women and strengthen communities.


Business analysis
Strategic analysis