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Sacramento Insight Meditation Inc.
1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
Sacramento, California
Business Planning

Posted April 29
Member since 2024-03-14

Project Overview

We would like assistance with learning how to cultivate relationships with donors to help increase our revenue.

Over the years, our donor base has remained somewhat steady with a slight increase over the years. How do we cultivate our current donors to increase their annual gifts without causing donor fatigue?

Help us develop a fundraising strategy that will support the growth and continuity of services to our community!

With the Legacy Teacher Project (LTP) and the Operations Manager (OM) position, we have effectively increased our annual operations budget by $55,000 without matching revenues to cover the added expenses. We need a skilled volunteer to help us craft a fundraising strategy that will make the teacher succession project and the OM position sustainable.

Specifically, we would like training on how to talk with and cultivate our current donors. We are a non-member organization solely dependent on dana, donations, course registrations, and volunteer support. As our senior faculty age and near retirement, to bring in a new generation of teachers and to ensure the longevity of our organization, we established the Legacy Teacher Project in which we contracted with three vipassana teachers for two years, with each receiving a stipend, in the hopes that they will want to continue teaching with SIM beyond the terms of their contracts. Additionally, we hired a part-time Operations Manager to ease the burden of and to retain our overworked volunteer board, as well as to ensure the smooth day-to-day operations of the organization.

The LTP began in early 2023 and the OM in December 2023. With no fundraising efforts pursued to pay for the added expenses, SIM ended the year 2023 in the red. We again face a significant budget shortfall this year.

We have two members of the fundraising committee, both of whom are board members, who will work with the skilled volunteer. We have the board, fundraising committee, operations manager, and senior teachers who will assist with various aspects of implementing the fundraising plan. We will provide the skilled volunteer with any relevant information needed for the project.


Nonprofit Overview

Our mission is to serve as a learning, training, and community center for the development, integration, and skillful use of meditation practices and awareness in all aspects of individual, family, educational, institutional, work, and community life.


Business planning