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Express your interest and select the time you would like to schedule a conference call with the nonprofit.


Familiarize yourself with the nonprofit. Do some quick research and skim through anything you can find such as their website and/or social media.


You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
Humanity Rising Inc.
Lake Zurich, Illinois
Grant writing/development
1 project

Member since 2019-04-11

Session Overview

We need support in creating a grant template that we can use for grants - we have a lot written, but need an expert opinion on our messaging.
We have started using and need assistance on identifying grants and being effective in winning grants.
A fresh set of eyes and some new insight.


Nonprofit Overview

Humanity Rising is a movement to create a better world through service. We inspire and empower students to make a difference in their communities, and award scholarships and other forms of recognition for outstanding service. We also give students a platform to share their service stories to inspire their peers. Our theme is "What Cause Inspires You?" and we include all social causes. We also have a signature program in Anti-Bullying to empower students to put an end to bullying through fostering cultures of kindness and respect. We are bringing individuals and organizations together to help build the next generation of leaders and social innovators and strengthen communities.


Grant writing