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California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform
Berkeley, California
Website development

Member since 2024-04-14

Session Overview

We are applying for a grant to incorporate AI into our website. We need help understanding if/how we could use AI to create a database of citation summaries (based on longer investigation reports on longterm care/nursing home facility violations of patient rights). Ideally we would use AI to find and post essential information from these longer reports on a running basis. The goal is to create a sustainable, user-friendly database where those who need longterm care can easily find and understand recent facility violations so they can make an informed decision about which facility they select for their care. We are hoping that someone can help us brainstorm how we could bring this project to life. Please let us know if you think you may be a good fit. Thanks for considering!


Nonprofit Overview

Since 1983, California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (CANHR), a statewide nonprofit 501(c)(3) advocacy organization, has been dedicated to improving the choices, care and quality of life for California’s long term care consumers.


Web development
Database administration
Data visualization